# 字符串 用单引号`''` 或者 `""` 括起来的任意字符表示字符串 如果字符串中既包含`'` 也包含 `"`, 可以用转义字符来表示。 例如: `str="I'm \"tux\""` ## 字符串截取操作 `str='abcdefg'` | syntax | result | description | | `str[0] ` | a | character in position 0 | | `str[5] ` | f | character in position 5 | | `str[-1] ` | g | the last character | | `str[-2] ` | f | the second last character | | `str[0:2] ` | ab | characters from position 0(include) to position 2(exclude) | | `str[2:5] ` | cde | characters from position 2(include) to position 5(exclude) | | `str[:2] ` | ab | characters from the beginning to position 2(exclude) | | `str[:-1]` | abcdef | characters from the beginning the the last character(exclude) | | `str[4:] ` | efg | characters from position 4 to the end | | `str[-2:] ` | fg | characters from the second last to the end | | `str[-1:] ` | f | the last character | | `str[:]` | abcdefg | all the characters | | `str[::-1]` | gfedcba | `[::-1]` 字符串最后一个字符到第一个字符,也就是对字符串逆序 | | `str[::-2]` | geca | `[::-2]` 字符串逆序,间隔一个字符 | ## ord & chr ord将字符转换为对应的ASCII码 chr 将0-255的任一整数转换为对应的字符 ## join string.join(iterable) 将多个字符串连接, join的参数必须是可迭代的对象,例如 list 例: ``` str1 = 'Hello' str2 = 'Tux' '.'.join([str1, str2]) ``` 结果为: Hello.Tux ``` '-'.join(str1, str2) ``` 结果为: Hello-Tux 字符串的链接符号即调用join的字符串